Welcome to Dazzling Cleaning

Please enter your voucher below

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find my voucher code?
When you purchase your voucher, your voucher code will be emailed to you.
How do I finish booking my appointment?
If you have a Dazzling Cleaning login, sign in to view your upcoming appointments.
If you don't have a Dazzling Cleaning login, you are not booked yet. Enter your voucher info above to start booking your appointment.
Do you offer deep cleaning?
Yes, you can add extra time on the next page if you prefer a deep clean or want extras like cleaning inside the refrigerator or oven. Additional time is billed at your special voucher rate.
Do you offer repeat cleanings?
Yes, you can choose weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleanings.
Who will my cleaner be?
You'll be able to see all our cleaner profiles and choose whom to send your request to and you'll be notified of your match within 48 hours.